2018-08-21 14:36:55 by Lancy 查看次数:10327
开曼和BVI 公司注册条件对比
BVI(英属维尔京群岛) | Cayman(开曼群岛) | |
相同点 | 注册条件相同(公司名称+股东董事身份证+地址证明) 取名自有;均无税收;每年必须年审,都不需做账审计 | |
注册费用 | 低 | 高 |
注册目的 | 更适合避税、国际贸易、不容易上市 | 更适合上市、海外融资、银行、基金 |
保密性 | 股东结构更保密 | 法律更加完善,保密性高 |
BVI(英属维尔京群岛) | Cayman(开曼群岛) | |
Nature of law法律性质 | codified成文法(easy to access) | common law普通法 |
Cost花费 | Cheap(10000RMB左右) | more espensive(20000-40000RMB) |
Confidentiality(保密) | Constitutional documents are mandatorily public宪法文件强制公开 other optional public filings其他文件选择性公开 | only name reglstered office and type of company is publicly available只有名称重新登记的办公室和公司类型是公开的 |
Security registration安全注册 | mandatory private regime强制私人制度 optional public regime confers statutory priority可选的公共政权赋予法定优先权 | mandatory private regime only 强制私人制度 prioritygovernd by common law普通法规定的优先权 |
amending M&A修改并购 | amend by directors or members由董事或成员修改 effective upon registration注册后生效 | amend by menbers only仅由成员修改effective immediately立即生效 |
authorised capital 授权资本 | concept abolished已废除此概念 | common law concept普通法概念 |
share rights股权 | set out in M&A(publicly available)并购(公开发布) | no need to document in M&A无需在并购中记录 |
solvency test for dividends 股息偿付能力测试 | balance sheet and cash flowsolvency test资产负债表和现金流偿付能力测试 | cash flow solvency test only现金流偿付能力测试 |
RPCs | √ | × |
Stamp duty印花税 | × | √(usually nominal,maximum us$600save for cayman real estate) |
foreign names外来名称 | permitted use of foreign name mandatory允许使用外来名称;强制 | permitted use of foreigh name optional允许使用外来名称;可选 |
seal密封 | mandatory强制 | optional可选 |
special resolutions特别决议 | × | √ |
Preference优先权 | 6months6月/2years for related parties关联方2年 Must be/become insolvent破产 No intention to prefer required无意要求 Exception: ordinary course of business正常的业务流程 liquidator action清盘行为 | 6months Must be insolvent at time of preference在破产时享受优先权 Intention to prefer required有意要求 No exceptions没有例外 Rendered incalid呈现无效 |
Transaction at undervalue低估交易 | 6months 6个月/2years for related parties关联方2年 Must be/become insolvent必须/破产 Exception: subjective good faith/objective 例外:主管诚信/客观 Reasonable grounds to benefit company 合理的理由使公司收益 liquidator action清盘行为 | 6months 6个月 Intention to defraud creditors required有意欺诈债权人 No exceptions 没有例外 Voidable by the liquidator or creditor清算人或债权人无效 |
Voidable floating charge 可撤销的浮动抵押 | 6months 6个月/2years for related parties关联人2年 Must be必须/become insolvent破产 Esception例外:new monies security新资金安全 liquidator action清盘行为 | × |
Extortionate ctedit 敲诈信贷 | 5years 5年 No solvency requirement没有偿付能力要求 No esceptions没有例外 Liquidator action清盘行为 | No statutory procisions没有法定条款 |
Other voidable transactions 其他无效交易 | Creditor action against conveyances of property with intent to defraud(unless made to Equity’s Darling) 债权人针对意图诈骗的财产转让行为(除非向Equity's Darling提出) Purchaser action against voluntary disposition of land made with intent to defraud subsequent purchaser 买方采取行动反对自愿处置土地,意图欺诈后续购买者 Common law rules prohibit enforcement of interest rates amounting to“penalty interst” 普通法规则禁止执行相当于“罚款利息”的利率 | Common law rules prohibit enforcement of interest rates amounting to “penalty interest” 普通法规则禁止执行相当于“罚款利息”的利率 |