2021-10-27 10:43:00 by Jaylin 查看次数:1260
Conversion is a procedure that can be applied to European Union trade marks (EUTMs) and to international registrations (IRs).
If an EU trade mark ceases to exist, it can be converted into trade marks that are valid in certain Member States. Conversion is particularly useful for overcoming possible problems with the EUTM’s unitary character.
For example, if the European Union trade mark faces a registrability problem in only one or certain countries on absolute grounds or due to an opposition based on an earlier right valid in only one country or certain countries, the EUTM applicant can apply to convert the EUTM into individual, national trade mark applications in the other countries not affected by these grounds.
1. 欧盟商标在审查过程或异议程序中因绝对理由或相对理由被官方最终驳回。
Where an EUTM application has been finally refused by the Office, in a decision on absolute or relative grounds for refusal during examination or opposition proceedings.
2. 申请人撤回欧盟商标。
Where an EUTM application has been withdrawn by the applicant.
3. 欧盟商标在提交申请后,未及时缴纳类别费用,而被视为撤回。
Where an EUTM application is deemed to be withdrawn, namely when class fees are not paid within the relevant time limit after filing the application.
4. 欧盟商标在以下情况下失效的:
Where an EUTM registration ceases to have effect, which applies in the following circumstances:
Where an EUTM registration has been validly surrendered;
Where an EUTM registration has not been renewed;
Where an EUTM registration has been declared invalid by the Office or by a European Union trade mark court;
Where the rights of the proprietor of an EUTM registration have been revoked by the Office or by an EUTM court except in the case of revocation due to non-use.
Conversion may be requested for all or for some of the goods or services to which the act or decision mentioned above relates. And the request may be into national trade mark applications in one, more or all of the Member States.
1. 欧盟商标或马德里指定欧盟商标的商标权是基于未使用而被撤销的,其申请人不得进行转换程序,除非在要求转换的成员国内,根据该国法律,该商标确实已投入使用。
Conversion will not take place where the rights of the proprietor of the European Union trade mark, or the holder of the IR, have been revoked on the grounds of non-use, unless in the Member State for which conversion is requested the EUTM or IR has been put to use that would be considered genuine under the laws of that Member State.
2. 第二条不得进行转换的原因与拒绝、撤销(不使用除外)或宣布无效的理由有关。当欧盟商标局或欧盟商标法院的决定明确指出驳回、撤销或无效的理由适用于特定成员国,则不得在该成员国进行转换程序。
The second reason for precluding conversion is related to a ground for refusal, for revocation (other than for non-use) or for a declaration of invalidity. It applies when the decision of the Office or of a European Union trade mark court expressly states that the ground for refusal, for revocation or for invalidity applies in respect of a particular Member State, and precludes conversion for that Member State.
3. 若申请人在最终决定(即在上诉期间)下发前撤回或者放弃欧盟商标或放弃马德里指定欧盟商标,并随后在这些拒绝、撤销或无效理由适用的某些或所有成员国内请求转换的,将会被拒绝。
Where the applicant withdraws the EUTM application or the owner surrenders the EUTM, or the holder renounces the designation of the EU, before the decision becomes final (i.e. during the appeal period) and subsequently requests conversion of the mark into national trade marks in some or all of the Member States for which a ground for refusal, for revocation or invalidity applies, such a request for conversion will be refused for those Member States.
The Office will deal with requests for conversion by:
1. 审查 Examining them;
2. 公布 Publishing them;
3. 转送到指定成员国的主管局 Transmitting them to the designated offices.
1. 申请转换的一般期限为三个月。时限的起算取决于转换的理由,时限不得延长。
A general time limit of three months for requesting conversion applies. The start of the time limit depends on the ground for conversion.The time limit may not be extended.
2. 若欧盟商标被视为撤回,则可以在主管局相应确认之日起三个月内提出转换请求。
Where an EUTM application is deemed to be withdrawn, a request for conversion may be filed within three months from the date of the corresponding confirmation from the Office.
3. 在所有其他情况下,转换请求的三个月期限自动起算:
In all other cases the time limit of three months for requesting conversion starts automatically, namely:
Where the EUTM application is withdrawn, on the day the withdrawal is received by the Office;
Where the EUTM is surrendered, on the day on which the surrender is entered in the EUTM Register (which is the day on which it becomes effective);
Where the EUTM registration or IR was not renewed, on the day following the last day of the period within which a request for renewal may be submitted, that is to say, six months after the expiry of the registration;
Where the EUTM application or IR designating the EU is refused, on the day on which the decision becomes final;
Where the EUTM or IR designating the EU is declared invalid or revoked, on the day on which the decision of the Office or the judgment of the EUTM court becomes final.
例如,如果欧盟商标局在2011年11月11 日下达裁定通知,以绝对理由驳回欧盟商标,那么其最终决定期限为2012年1月11日。请求转换的三个月期限截止至2012年4月11日。
For example, if an EUTM is rejected by a decision of the Office on absolute grounds for refusal that is notified on 11/11/2011, the decision becomes final on 11/01/2012. The three-month period for requesting conversion ends on 11/04/2012.
1. 是否存在前文提到的转换理由。
Whether one of the grounds for conversion mentioned above exists.
2. 是否存在前文提到的不得进行转换的理由。
Whether one of the grounds precluding conversion referred above exists.
3. 对于选择退回转换的情况(选择退回转换是指根据马德里协定或议定书马德里指定欧盟商标转换为指定其他一个或多个成员国的国际申请的情况),需要审查是否有可能在国际申请之日指定国际申请中的相关成员国。
For an opting-back conversion(the conversion of the designation of the EU into subsequent designations of one or more Member States under the Madrid Agreement or Protocol ‘opting back’), whether it would have been possible at the date of the IR to designate the Member State concerned in an international application.
4. 对于部分转换,需要审查在商标失效时,要转换的产品或服务是否包含在原有欧盟商标或马德里指定欧盟商标的产品及服务范围内。
For partial conversion, whether the goods and services to be converted were in fact contained in, and do not go beyond, the goods and services of the EUTM or IR designating the EU at the point in time when it lapsed or ceased to have effect.
5. 对于部分转换,若欧盟商标或马德里指定欧盟商标部分有效,则需要审查要转换的产品和服务是否与原有商标仍然有效的部分产品和服务有所重合。
For partial conversion in the sense that part of the EUTM or IR designating the EU remains alive, whether the goods and services to be converted overlap with the goods and services for which the mark remains alive.